Some photos of the near-finished product. We are still putting finishing touches, but have Certificate of Occupancy. YAY!
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Food production
Some photos of the near-finished product. We are still putting finishing touches, but have Certificate of Occupancy. YAY!
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Who says the animals can’t have a cool house too?
A couple of minutes after I designed the planter came the question – what am I going to fill it with. A 1.5 cubic foot bag of potting soil is $10 – and i will need about 2000 of those. Continue reading Potting to poverty
Planter aeration is a new concept. First gray water will run along the bottom so the top of the planter will be dry. Continue reading Planting Bubbles
Commercial greenhouses have enough ventilation to flip the air in 1 min. This greenhouse is 16,000 cubic feet. Continue reading Flipping Air – 16,000 cubic feet
Use of growing platforms to utilize loft area of greenhouse. Catwalks are expensive and expensive to make safe. Move the plants. Continue reading Plants Aloft
Added a swingwall to the upper loft to enable us to have pineapple and other plants outside in summer but winter inside. Continue reading Yep…. Migrating Trees
Who cares about tilapia at $4 a pound – when you can raise mongo shrimp worth $14? Continue reading Ultraponics – Premium Aqua Crops
Design of the greenhouse gray water planter as a system. Continue reading Greenhouse Planter Design